Tuesday 20 September 2011


Concept art is usually 2D and 3D art that starts out as sketches and after numerous iterations, those sketches evolve into a snapshot of what an art asset in the game should look like.

Concept art is considered reference material for your modeling needs from that point on. Other reference materials could include real-life photos (pics of a Gothic cathedral if you're modeling a Gothic cathedral, pics of various reptilian animals if you're modeling a dragon) or models (I know a guy that builds stuff out of Lego's before modeling). THIS WAS FOUND ON A GAMERS FORUM CALLED:http://www.gamecareerguide.com.


  • this drawing is very creative-it shows that the artist has used his creative mind to construct such a inspiring drawing
  • the colours which are used in this drawing really match the whole idea/theme-the witch in drawing fades in to the beige coloured smoke. which really makes a fantastic blend to the drawing.
  • its suitable  for being used in 2D and 3D games because of the style and how the artist has produced imaginative detail
  • i also like the fact the the artist has made the picture look original by adding is own ideas to the drawing
  • this artist hasn't copied the drawings of witches he's only took the purpose of them and what equipment they have such as:cauldron and a hat. i like how the artist has creatively made the face larger and the character more intimidating

    Concept art is different to other art because: it is designed for use in : gaming, film,TV programmes/animation. there are lots different types of art. concept art uses unique techniques to create characters.before doing this the process involves: 
    Concept artists sketch the drawing they want to use. for example a game. then they are modeled instead of painted for example an artist like banksy uses a different style, as he uses stencil art its a different style than modeling the drawings. the drawings are modeled and constructed on programmes used on PC or MAC.

    I really like the idea of concept art,  the drawings they create are so detailed and inspiring. i find it interesting how they model them on a programme.

    There are lots of ways of modeling drawings for exsample:
    • lego
    • clay
    • plastercene

    Lianna tai
    Lianna Tai is a concept artist and illustrator from Los Angeles, California currently working at SuperBot Entertainment, Inc. Lianna attended Art Center College of Design and has worked in creating visual development, concept designs and illustrations.
     I like how this artist uses plants and rocks to make a character. she has used a range of natural colours which represent earth and built it into a mythical beast.I Admire that the artist has sketched out the work before and have used all the ideas to make one final design. for exsample the picture up above is sketched in different views. this shows that the artist has developed her drawings to make something more unique for the final picture.
